Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
High-Priced Help


Button cast=(Button)findViewById(;


In particular, we need to enable Javascript in the WebView and inject our

CustomHelp object (under the name customHelp) before we load our help Web


Step #4: Leverage the Java Object from Javascript

With all that done, we can take advantage of the customHelp object in our

Web page.

Somewhere on your page, add a

or with an id of userName, such


<p>Your Twitter account name is:
<span id="userName"><i>unknown</i></span>!</p>

Then, add a global Javascript function that will replace the default contents

of the userName element with the value obtained from customHelp, such as:

<script language="javascript">
function updateUserName() {

Finally, add an onLoad attribute to your element to trigger calling the

global Javascript function, such as:

<body onLoad="updateUserName()">

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