Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1


Messages From The Great


In this tutorial, we will replace the callback system we used in previous

editions of Patchy with a broadcast Intent. This allows PostMonitor to alert

applications about new status updates without there having to be an

explicit connection between them.

Step-By-Step Instructions........................................................................

First, you need to have completed the previous tutorial. If you are

beginning the tutorials here, or if you wish to not use your existing work,

you can download a ZIP file with all of the tutorial results, and you can copy

the 26-Animation edition of Patchy to use as a starting point.

Step #1: Broadcast the Intent

Sending a broadcast Intent is rather simple, particularly for an application

like PostMonitor that already collects the information to broadcast (in this

case, friend, status, and creation date).

First, we need to choose a name for the action of the broadcast Intent. We

need something that will not collide with other such names, so it is best to

use something that has our namespace in it. Similarly, we need to have

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