Your First Android Project
For your development machine, you will need to pick a suitable target, and
you may wish to change the path. The activity and package you can leave
alone for now.
Step #2: Build, Install, and Run the
Application in Your Emulator or Device
Having a project is nice and all, but it would be even better if we could
build and run it, whether on the Android emulator or your Android device.
Once again, the process differs somewhat depending on whether you are
using Eclipse or not.
Step #1: Add Auto-Linking.................................................................
With your project selected in the Package Explorer pane, click the green
"play" button in the Eclipse toolbar to run your project. The first time you
do this, you will have to go through a few steps to set up a "run
configuration", so Eclipse knows what you want to do.
First, in the "Run As" list, choose "Android Application":
Figure 4. Eclipse "Run As" List