Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1


Sensing a Disturbance

Continuing our additions to LunchList, we really need a solution to the age-

old problem of deciding where to go for lunch. For that, a good old-

fashioned random selection would be a fine starting point. But, to make it

more entertaining, we should trigger the selection by shaking the device.

Shake the phone when on the list of restaurants, and a randomly-selected

restaurant will be shown via its DetailForm.

Step-By-Step Instructions

First, you need to have completed the previous tutorial. If you are

beginning the tutorials here, or if you wish to not use your existing work,

you can download a ZIP file with all of the tutorial results, and you can copy

the 37-Camera edition of LunchList to use as a starting point.

Step #1: Implement a Shaker

We need something that hooks into the SensorManager and watches for

shaking events, where a "shake" is defined as a certain percentage over

Earth's gravity, as determined by calculating the total force via the square

root of the sum of the squares of all three dimensional forces.

And if that was total gibberish to you, this is why humankind has developed

encapsulation and copy-and-paste.

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