Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
Coping with Eclipse

Figure 89. Android AVD Manager menu option in Eclipse

Choose Android Application and click OK. If you have more than one AVD

or device available, you will be presented with a window where you choose

the desired target environment. Then, the emulator will start up to run

your application. Note that you will need to unlock the lock screen on the

emulator (or device) if it is locked.

How Not to Run Your Project.................................................................

When you go to run your project, be sure to not have an XML file be the

active tab in the editor. Attempting to "run" this will result in a .out file

being created in whatever directory the XML file lives in (e.g.,

res/layout/main.xml.out). To recover, simply delete the offending .out file

and try running again, this time with a Java file as the active tab.

How to Get Past Eclipse...........................................................................

Some people will tell you that the only sensible way to do Android

development is to use Eclipse. These people are sorely mistaken.

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