The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

  1.  While   the croutons    are hot,    transfer    to  a   large   bowl    and

    toss with the cheese to coat.


I’m not sure exactly when or where marinated kale salads
became a thing, but if forced to guess, I’d put my wager
on 2009, in Brooklyn.

That’s certainly where I first started seeing it on menus.
These days, it’s common enough that even friends who
don’t cook and don’t believe in Brooklyn have heard about
it and probably tried it.
Kale leaves are roughly chopped, massaged with dressing
and salt, and allowed to sit. The beautiful thing about these
salads is that kale is robust enough that the salad stays crisp
and crunchy even after sitting in the fridge for days. You
can make it and eat it over the course of a few days with no
loss in quality.

Try a Little Tenderness
To make marinated kale salads, I start by removing the

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