The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1




Chick-fil-A, the fast food chain started in Atlanta, GA,
has a well-deserved near-cult-like following. The classic
Chick-fil-A sandwich is a thing of simple beauty: A juicy,
salty, crisply fried chicken breast. A buttered and toasted
soft, sweet bun. Two dill pickle chips. That’s all there is to
What makes it great is the perfection of each of the
elements: That crisp golden brown crust, spiced just right
with a perfect sweet-salty-savory-hot balance. The way it
coats that breast underneath, a chicken breast that defies
all we know about chicken. This is no dry, stringy, bland
chicken bosom; it is a breast of unparalleled juiciness,
with a dense, meaty texture and deeply seasoned flavor.
Bring all of the elements together, and you’ve got a
sandwich that is nearly impossible to improve upon. Of
course, nearly impossible means slightly possible. We’ll
take that chance.
How are we going to improve it? By using our own
fried chicken recipe, of course. Luckily, modifying our
existing recipe into one that works well in a sandwich is a
relatively painless procedure. All we need to do is start

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