Chopped Ranch Cobb Salad, 841–42
preparing, for chopped salads, 834
best cooking methods, 131–32
Braised String Beans with, 446, 446
Chopped Ranch Cobb Salad, 841–42
dry versus wet cures, 131
Easy Skillet Braised Chicken with White Wine, Fennel,
and Pancetta, 249
Fried, Crispy, 132, 133
Garlicky Broccoli, and Anchovies, Pasta with, 685
grease, deep-frying with, 857
high-end, about, 131
Iceberg Wedge Salad, 831, 831
Maple-Sage Breakfast Sausage, 507, 507
Mayonnaise, 809
and Mushrooms, Easy Skillet-Braised Chicken with, 252
Oven-Fried, Crispy, for a Crowd, 133
Parmesan Biscuits, 163
and Pickled Jalapeños, Stovetop Mac ’n’ Cheese with,
preparing, for chopped salads, 836
preparing, for omelets, 130
Seared Brussels Sprouts with, 433, 433
Shallots, and Tarragon, Hot Buttered Peas with, 413–14
Waffles, Maple, 157
Baking pantry, 78–79
Baking powder
“double-acting,” about, 145