The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

choosing dried chiles for, 253–54
con Carne, Real Texas, 266, 269, 269
flavorful, characteristics of, 253
flavorings for, 256–57
green, best cooking methods, 270–73
green, ingredients for, 270–71
Ground Beef, Easy Weeknight, 261, 261–62, 262
preparing beans for, 255–56, 256
preparing short ribs for, 255, 255
Short Rib, with Beans, The Best, 259, 259–60
Texas, best cooking methods, 266, 266–68, 267
vegetarian, best cooking methods, 263–64
Vegetarian Bean, The Best, 264, 265, 265
whole versus ground spices for, 257–58
Chili-Garlic Butter, Micro-Steamed Corn with, 429
Chili Mac, Cheesy, 725, 725–26
Grilled Marinated Short Ribs with, 346, 346
Sauce, 395
Chloroblasts, 409
Chlorophyll, 409
Chlorophyllase, 409
Chocolate Mix, Hot
best ways to prepare, 172–73
Homemade, 172, 173
Chopsticks, 70
and Brussels Sprout Leaves, Almost-No-Stir Risotto with,
Mexican, Grilled or Pan-Roasted, with Spicy Tomato-

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