Caramelized, and Rich Tomato Sauce, Pasta with (Pasta
alla Norma), 701–2, 703
Chinese, about, 704
cooking techniques, 407
with fewer seeds, choosing, 704–5
globe, about, 704
Italian, about, 704
Japanese, about, 704
Parmesan Casserole, 882–85, 884, 885, 886
preparing, for tempura, 903
raw, removing excess air from, 883
Thai, about, 704
Egg(s). See also Egg(s) (recipes)
blind taste tests on, 92–94
boiled, overcooked, 97
boiled, science of, 95–100
boiling, experiments on, 96, 97, 97
brown versus white, 91
Certified Humane label, 92
Certified Organic label, 92
culinary definition, 87
Free-Range, Free-Roaming, and Cage-Free labels, 92
fresh, advantages of, 94, 94
fresh versus aged, 88
fried, best cooking methods, 114, 114–15
fried, loose egg whites in, 89
gauging freshness of, 90–91
hard-boiled, best cooking methods, 102
hard-boiled, peeling shell from, 90, 90
hard-boiling, tip for, 89–90