about, 63–64
grinder attachments for, 490
Star anise, for chili, 256
adding to hot liquids, 742
molecules, about, 741–42
molecules, exposing to water, 215
in potatoes, 470, 813, 906–8
in rice, 750, 753
in sweet potatoes, 462
thickening liquids with, 741–42
thickening soups with, 215
varieties of, and characteristics, 742
Steak. See Beef steaks
Steam, and hot liquids, 205
Stews. See also Chili
Beef and Barley, 192, 193
beef and barley, best cooking methods, 192
Chickpea and Spinach, Quick, with Ginger, 449, 449–50
Ham, Bean, and Kale, Easy, 275, 275
Sticky Buns
best methods for, 166–67
The World’s Most Awesome, 166, 167–71, 168–69, 171
Stilton cheese, flavor of, and best uses for, 720–21
chicken, best cooking methods, 180–83, 181, 182, 183
Chicken, Quick, 187
clear versus cloudy, 183
defatting, 185, 185
definition of, 185–86