The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

blanching/steaming, science of, 408–10
boiling in large pot of water, 409–10
braising, 444
chopped, adding to meat loaf mix, 530
glazing, 452
green, for salads, 770
juice, for soups, 203
Lots of, and Garlic, Pasta with, 686–87
micro-steaming, 423
microwaving, 422
overcooked, preventing, 410
pectin in, 409
plant cells in, 408
preparing, for cryo-blanching, 442
preparing, for omelets, 130
preparing, for soups, 189–91
preserved, preparing, for chopped salads, 836
preserving green color of, 409–10
roasting/broiling, 456
searing/sautéing, 430–31
shocking in ice water, 410, 786, 786
soups, creamy, preparing, 201–4
sous-vide cooking, notes about, 387
Spring, Risotto, 755, 755–57
Spring, Salad, 783, 783–84
starchy, roasting, effect on flavor, 221, 221
Stock, Basic, 188
storing in crisper drawer, 75, 76
30-Minute Minestrone, 197, 197–98
Vegetable shortening, smoke point of, 861

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