Maple Bacon, 157
Orange-Scented, 157
Apples, and Parmesan-Anchovy Dressing, Winter Greens
Salad with, 810, 810–11
and Arugula Pesto, 710
Micro-Steamed Asparagus with Poached Egg and Walnut
Vinaigrette, 424, 425
Walnut Vinaigrette, 425
boiling, at high altitude, 98–99
boiling, myths about, 99
boiling, science of, 96–97, 675
boiling under cover, experiment on, 242
conversion to steam, 205
for vegetable soups, 203
volume and weight conversions, 9
about, 768
preparing, for soups, 191
Water stones
buying, 57–58
maintenance, 58
sharpening knives with, 58–59
Wheat flour, thickening milk with, 742
Whisks, 68
White Wine
Foolproof Béarnaise, 322
Lemon-Caper Pan Sauce, 368
Pancetta, and Fennel, Easy Skillet-Braised Chicken with,