1001 Motivational Quotes for Success: Great Quotes from Great Minds

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Every achiever that I have ever
met says, "My life turned around
when I began to believe in me."

  • Robert H. Schuller

Success is achievean
maintained by those who try, and
keep trying, for there is nothing to
lose by trying and a great deal to
gain if successful. By all means
TRY! Do it NOW!!!

  • W. Clement Stone

Great Quotes from Great Minds

The roots of true achievement lie
in the will to become the best that
you can become.

  • Harold Taylor

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There are two things to aim at
in life: first, to get what you
want and second is to enjoy it.
Only the wisest of mankind
achieve the second.

  • Logan Pearsall Smith
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of Success is achieve
maintained by those who try, and
keep trying, for there is nothing to
lose by trying and a great deal to
gain if successful. By all means
TRY! Do it NOW!!!

  • W. Clement Stone
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    Page 235

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