A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
the way, and hastie climers quicklie catch a fall. 1616 N. BRETON Crossing of Proverbs
II. A4 Hasty climbers haue sodaine falls...Not if they sit fast. 1869 C. H. SPURGEON
John Ploughman’s Talk xix. Hints as to thriving. .. Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
1987 Daily Telegraph 27 Apr. 12 The ambition to send spaceships to the red planet
reminds me of the old saying: ‘Hasty climbers quickly catch a fall.’ ambition

From CLOGS to clogs is only three generations

Said to be a Lancashire proverb. Similar to from SHIRTSLEEVES to shirtsleeves in three
generations. The clog, a shoe with a thick wooden sole, was commonly used by factory and
other manual workers in the north of England. Cf. 1700 DRYDEN Wife of Bath in Fables
Ancient & Modern 493 Seldom three descents continue good. 1721 J. KELLY Scottish
Proverbs 312 The Father buys, the Son biggs [builds], The Grandchild sells, and his Son thiggs

1871 Notes & Queries 4th Ser. VII. 472 ‘From clogs to clogs is only three
generations.’ A Lancashire proverb, implying that, however rich a poor man may
eventually become, his great-grandson will certainly fall back to poverty and ‘clogs’.
1938 R. G. COLLINGWOOD Principles of Art v. But the poor, who are always the last
guardians of a tradition, knew that the curse of God rested on idleness, and spoke of three
generations from clogs to clogs. 1993 ‘C. AIRD’ Going Concern (1994) vii. 51 Claude
Miller, Chairman and Managing Director of Chern-woods’ Dyestuffs, was a living
exemplification of the old saw about it being ‘only three generations from clogs to clogs.’
His father hadn’t been the man his father was and, worse still, Claude Miller wasn’t even
the man his father had been. family; proverty

close see when ONE door shuts, another opens. cloth see CUT your coat according to your

CLOTHES make the man

Cf. Gk. the man is his clothing; ERASMUS Adages ‘Divitiae’ vestis virum

a 1400 Prov. Wisdom 1. 59 in Archiv (1893) XC. 245 Euer maner and clothyng
makyth man. c 1445 Peter Idley’s Instructions to his Son (1935) I. 82 Ffor clothyng oft
maketh man. 1591 J. FLORIO Second Fruits 115 Though manners makes, yet apparell
shapes. 1617 R. GREENE Alcida B3 The Hood makes not the Monke, nor the apparrell
the man. 1836 CARLYLE Sartor I. V. Clothes gave us individuality, distinctions, social
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