A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

makes the Devil blush; YOUNG saint, old devil.

DIAMOND cuts diamond

Used of persons evenly matched in wit or cunning. Also frequently found as a descriptive
phrase diamond cut diamond. Cf. 1593 NASHE Christ’s Tears II. 9 An easie matter is it for
anie man to cutte me (like a Diamond) with mine own dust.

1604 MARSTON Malcontent IV. i. None cuttes a diamond but a diamond. 1629 J.
FORD Lover’s Melancholy I. 18. We’re caught in our own toyles. Diamonds cut
Diamonds. 1863 C. READE Hard Cash II. xi. You might say I robbed you. .. It is
diamond cut diamond. 1958 M. STEWART Nine Coaches Waiting xi. I’ll always have
prospects. Diamond cuts diamond. 1979 Guardian 19 Apr. 26 When the boat comes in:
Diamond cut diamond. James Bolam as the rough one turned smoothie. similarity and

You can only DIE once

c 1435 Torrent of Portugal (EETS) 1. 993 A man schall But onnys Dyee. 1597–8
SHAKESPEARE Henry IV, Pt. 2 III. ii. 228 A man can die but once. a 1721 M. PRIOR in
Literary Works (1971) I. 533 With great Submission I pronounce That People dye no
more than once. 1818 F. HALL Travels in Canada & United States xxxvii. He replied..
that he was too ill to come out, and should die if she forced him; ‘You can die but once,’
said the beldame. 1840 MARRYAT Olla Podrida I. xii. ‘A man cannot die more than
once,’.. but.. a man can die.. once professionally or legally, and once naturally. 1980 M.
GILBERT Death of Favourite Girl ii. ‘Why not,’ said Sally. ‘You can only die once.’
death; fate and fatalism

die see also good AMERICANS when they die go to Paris; BETTER to die on your feet
than live on your knees; COWARDS die many times before their death; we must EAT a peck
of dirt before we die; EAT, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; whom the GODS love
die young; the GOOD die young; call no man HAPPY till he dies; he who LIVES by the sword
dies by the sword; OLD habits die hard; OLD soldiers never die; YOUNG men may die, but
old men must die; also DYING.

diet see the best DOCTORS are Dr Diet, Dr Quiet, and Dr Merryman.

differ see TASTES differ.
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