A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

easy see it is easy to find a STICK to beat a dog; it is easy to be WISE after the event; also

You are what you EAT

Ger. Mann ist was Mann isst, man is what man eats; cf. the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach
(1804–72) in Jacob Moleschott Lehre der Nahrungsmittel: Für das Volk (1850)
‘Advertisement’: DerMensch ist, was erisst, Man is what he eats. The saying is sometimes
attributed to the French gastronome Anthelme Brillat-Savarin who wrote in his Physiologie du
Goût (1825): Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es, Tell me what you eat, and I
will tell you what you are.

1930 J. GOLLOMB Subtle Trail ii. 55 There flashed through her mind the German
saying, ‘One is what one eats.’ 1940 V. H. LINDLAHR (title) You are what you eat. 1980
FARB & ARMELAGOS Consuming Passions 3 Food faddists in recent decades have
declared, ‘You are what you eat’. 2002 Times 2 July 19 As obesity, chronic health
problems and crime rise, we should pay far more attention to the adage ‘You are what
you eat’. food and drink

We must EAT a peck of dirt before we die

A consolatory expression, frequently used in literal contexts. A peck is a dry measure of
two gallons. Cf. 1603 H. CHETTLE et al. Patient Grisel A3V I thinke I shall not eate a pecke
of salt: I shall not liue long sure.

1738 SWIFT Polite Conversation i. 48 ‘Why then, here’s some Dirt in my Teacup.’
.. ‘Poh! you must eat a Peck of Dirt before you die.’ 1819 KEATS Letter 19 Mar. (1952)
314 This is the second black eye I have had since leaving school.. we must eat a peck
before we die. 1939 F. THOMPSON Lark Rise vi. The children.. were told: ‘Us’ve all got
to eat a peck o’ dust before we dies, an’ it’ll slip down easy in this good yarb [herb] beer.’
1979 M. BABSON Twelve Deaths of Christmas xxix. She tried to rinse off the ice cubes.
‘Never mind. .. They say, we all have to eat a peck of dirt before we die!’ health;

EAT, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die
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