A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
a man, woman, or child in ten miles round Guildhall, who really believes this saying.
1928 D. H. LAWRENCE Woman who rode Away 165 I’ll live with another woman but I’ll
never marry another. Enough is as good as a feast. 2000 T. & R. MAGLIOZZI In Our
Humble Opinion 208 And now we know from our Happiness equation that the problem is
high Expectations. And who comes to the rescue? Rooster Cogburn, who else? Enough is
as good as a feast. content and discontent; food and drink

ENOUGH is enough

From its older use as an expression of content or satisfaction (cf. ENOUGH is as good as a
feast), this is now frequently used as a reprimand, warning someone off from persisting in an
inappropriate or excessive course of action.

1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs II. xi. M1 Sens enough is enough (sayd I)
here maie we With that one word take end good. 1832 W. IRVING Alhambra II. 40 ‘I will
descend for no more,’ said the Moor, doggedly; ‘enough is enough for a reasonable man
—more is superfluous.’ 1915 T. DREISER Titan (ed. 3) xlvii. 404 I realize all its merits
just as well as you do. But enough is enough. 2007 New Scientist 20 Oct 59 Also then I’d
get talking about people that I still see, and I didn’t think much would be gained by it..
Enough is enough. content and discontent; moderation

enough see also throw DIRT enough, and some will stick; give a man ROPE enough and
he will hang himself; a WORD to the wise is enough.

envied see BETTER be envied than pitied.

equal see DOGS look up to you, cats look down on you, pigs is equal.

To ERR is human (to forgive divine)

Although known in Latin (humanum est errare, it is human to err) and in earlier English
versions, this saying is generally quoted in Pope’s words (quot. 1711). Cf. c 1386 CHAUCER
Tale of Melibee 1.1264 The proverbe seith that ‘for to do synne is mannyssh, but certes for to
persevere longe in synne is werk of the devel’; 1539 R. MORISON tr. J. L. Vives’ Introduction
to Wisdom D7 It is naturally gyuen to al men, to erre, but to no man to perseuer.. therein.

1578 H. WOTTON tr. J. Yver’s Courtly Controversy E3 To offend is humaine, to
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