A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
The EXCEPTION proves the rule

‘The very fact of an exception proves there must be a rule’ (Brewer); now frequently
misunderstood and used to justify inconsistency. Cf. L. exceptio probat regulam in casibus
non exceptis, the exception confirms the rule in cases not excepted.

1640 G. WATTS Bacon’s Advancement of Learning VIII. iii. Exception strengthens
the force of a Law in Cases not excepted. 1664 J. WILSON Cheats A2V I think I have
sufficiently justifi’d the Brave man, even by this Reason, That the Exception proves the
Rule. 1765 S. JOHNSON Shakespeare Preface C2V There are a few passages which may
pass for imitations, but so few that the exception only confirms the rule. 1863 W. S.
GILBERT in Cornhill Mag. Dec. VIII. 727 As for the dictum about Temple Bar, why, the
case of Poddle and Shaddery might be one of those very exceptions whose existence is
necessary to the proof of every general rule. 1907 H. W. FOWLER Si Mihi 80 It is one of
those cryptic sayings, like ‘The exception proves the rule’, which always puzzle me. 1994
‘C. AIRD’ ‘Fair Cop’ in Injury Time (1995) 27 [H]ome was where most victims of
murder met their end. This instance, he was prepared to concede, might just be the
exception that proved the rule. rules, general

There is an EXCEPTION to every rule

See also the preceding entry and RULES are made to be broken.

1579 T. F. News from North D1V There is no rule so generall, that it admitteth not
exception, albeit i dout not.. that honors chaunge maners. 1608 T. HEYWOOD Rape of
Lucrece V. 169 A general concourse of wise men. ..Tarquin, if the general rule have no
exceptions, thou wilt have an empty consistory [council chamber]. 1773 R. GRAVES
Spiritual Quixote III. IX. xviii. The rules of Grammar cannot, in any language, be reduced
to a strict analogy; but all general rules have some exceptions. 1836 MARRYAT
Midshipman Easy I. xii. I have little reason to speak in its favour.. but there must be
exceptions in every rule. 1981 Listener 21 May 683 ‘There is still something awe-
inspiring about a duke,’ we are informed. Only those who share such values will want to
read Heirs and Graces. Even they should remember that there is an exception to every
rule. rules, general

A fair EXCHANGE is no robbery

1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs II. iv. G4 Chaunge be no robbry for the
changed case. c 1590 John of Bordeaux (1936) 1. 213 Exchaung is no roberie. a 1628 in
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