A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
traffic are too heavily loaded when they carry with them confiscatory legislation, local
option, ruinous harshness to individuals... money; value

gold see also it is good to make a BRIDGE of gold to a flying enemy; GIVE a thing, and
take a thing, to wear the Devil’s gold ring; all that GLITTERS is not gold.

A GOLDEN key can open any door

1580 LYLY Euphues & his England II. 71 Who is so ignorant that knoweth not, gold
be a key for euery locke, chieflye with his Ladye. 1660 W. SECKER Nonsuch Professor
II. ix. The gates of the new Jerusalem.. are not got open by golden keys. 1842
TENNYSON Poems (1969) 694 Every door is barr’d with gold, and opens but to golden
keys. 1945 F. THOMPSON Lark Rise xix. Their better-educated neighbours.. did not call
on the newly rich family. That was before the days when a golden key could open any
door. bribery and corruption; money

golden see also SILENCE is golden; SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden.

If you can’t be GOOD, be careful

Cf. mid 11th-cent. L. si non caste tamen caute; 1303 R. BRUNNE Handlyng Synne (EETS)

  1. 8316 The apostle seyth thys autoryte [dictum], ‘Gyf thou be nat chaste, be thou pryue
    [secret].’ 1528 W. TYNDALE Obedience of Christian Man 73 As oure lawears saye, si non
    caste tamen caute, this is, if ye live not chaste, se ye cary clene [act properly], and playe the
    knave secretly.

1903 A. M. BINSTEAD Pitcher in Paradise viii. Always bear in mind what the
country mother said to her daughter who was coming up to town to be apprenticed to the
Bond Street millinery, ‘For heaven’s sake be good; but if you can’t be good, be careful.’
1907 B. SCOTT (song-title) If you can’t be good—be careful. 1982 S. GRANT DUFF
Parting of Ways xvii. Tommy.. gave me a stern warning. .. ‘Never meet a German in
Prague.. Be good, and if you can’t, be very careful.’ caution

A GOOD beginning makes a good ending

c 1300 South-English Legendary (EETS) I. 216 This was atte uerste me thingth [it
seems to me] a god bygynnynge. Ther after was the betere hope to come to god endynge.
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