breakfast but a bad supper; NOTHING so bad but it might have been worse; THREE removals
are as bad as a fire.
bag see EMPTY sacks will never stand upright; there’s many a GOOD cock come out of a
tattered bag.
bairn see FOOLS and bairns should never see half-done work; the SHOEMAKER’S son
always goes barefoot.
As you BAKE, so shall you brew
As you begin, so shall you proceed. Complementary to as you BREW, so shall you bake.
c 1577 Misogonus III. i. As thou bakst, so shat brewe. 1775 D. GARRICK May-Day
ii. To keep.. My bones whole and tight, To speak, nor look, would I dare; As they bake
they shall brew. 1909 W. DE MORGAN It never can happen Again I. V. Each one [i.e.
young person].. was.. the centre of an incubation of memories that were to last a lifetime.
‘As they bake, so they will brew,’ philosophized Mr. Challis to himself. action and
bake see also as you BREW, so shall you bake.
bandit see the more LAWS, the more thieves and bandits.
bare see there goes more to MARRIAGE than four bare legs in a bed.
barefoot see the SHOEMAKER’S son always goes barefoot.
bargain see it takes TWO to make a bargain.
bark see DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on; why KEEP a dog and bark yourself?
A BARKING dog never bites