A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1


undone see what’s DONE cannot be undone.

The UNEXPECTED always happens

Similar to NOTHING is certain but the unforeseen. Cf. PLAUTUS Mostellaria I. iii. 197
insperata accidunt magi’ saepe quam quae speres, unexpected things happen more often than
those you hope for.

1885 E. J. HARDY How to be Happy though Married xxv. A woman may have much
theoretical knowledge, but this will not prevent unlooked-for obstacles from arising. .. It
is the unexpected that constantly happens. 1909 Times Weekly 12 Nov. 732 No place in
the world is more familiar than the House of Commons with ‘the unforeseen that always
happens’. 1938 E. WAUGH ScoopI. iii. Have nothing which in a case of emergency you
cannot carry in your own hands. But remember that the unexpected always happens. 1977
L. J. PETER Peter’s Quotations 296 Peter’s Law—The unexpected always happens.
certainty and uncertainty; foresight and hindsight

unforeseen see NOTHING is certain but the unforeseen.

UNION is strength

Unity is a popular alternative for union, especially when used as a trade-union slogan. Cf.
HOMER Iliad XIII. 237 , even weak men have
strength in unity; L. vis unita fortior, force united is stronger; c 1527 T. BERTHELET tr.
Erasmus’ Sayings of Wise Men A4V Concorde maketh those thynges that are weake, mighty
and stronge.

1654 R. WILLIAMS Complete Writings (1963) VI. 280 Union strengthens. 1837 in
D. Porter Early Negro Writing (1971) 228 In Union is strength. 1848 S. ROBINSON
Letter 29 Dec. in Indiana Hist. Collections (1936) XXII. 178 ‘Union is strength,’ and that
is the only kind that can control the floods of such a ‘great father of rivers [the
Mississippi]’. 1877 E. WALFORD Tales of Great Families I. 264 The prosperity of the
House of Rothschild [is due to] the unity which has attended the co-partnership of its
members,.. a fresh example of the saying that ‘union is strength’. 1933 H. ADAMS
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