A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
weary see be the DAY weary or be the day long, at last it ringeth to evensong.

weather see there is no such thing as BAD weather, only the wrong clothes; ROBIN Hood
could brave all weathers but a thaw wind.

webs see when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion.

wed see BETTER wed over the mixen than over the moor.

One WEDDING brings another

Similar to one FUNERAL makes many, the idea in this case being that the social gathering
of the bride’s and groom’s families and friends is likely to result in other romantic

1634 M. PARKER in Roxburghe Ballads (1880) III. 54 ‘Tis said that one wedding
produceth another. 1713 GAY Wife of Bath I. i. One Wedding, the Proverb says, begets
another. 1885 c. H. SPURGEON Salt-Cellars I. 88 Bridesmaids may soon be made brides.
One wedding.. brings on another. 1929 S. T. WARNER True Heart 1. 54 Cheer up, Suke!
I dare say you’ll get a boy in time—they do say one wedding brings another. 1957 A.
THIRKELL Double Affair i. But when he said ‘One marriage always brings on another,
Mrs. Hubback,’ I slapped his face with a nice bit of cod’s tail. weddings

WEDLOCK is a padlock

1678 J. RAY English Proverbs (ed. 2) 56 Wedlock is a padlock. 1821 BYRON Don
Juan (1857) v. clviii. Thus in the East they are extremely strict, And wedlock and a
padlock mean the same. 1950 C. E. VULLIAMY Henry Plumdew 211 Wedlock is a
padlock, says our proverb. marriage

Wednesday see Monday’s CHILD is fair of face.

weed see ILL weeds grow apace.

weeding see ONE year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding.
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