A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
the story. All’s well that ends well. beginnings and endings; good fortune

well see also (noun) the FROG in the well knows nothing of the sea; you never MISS the
water till the well runs dry; the PITCHER will go to the well once too often; TRUTH lies at
the bottom of a well.

well see also (noun) LET well alone; (adjective) the DEVIL was sick, the Devil a saint
would be.. ; (adverb) he LIVES long who lives well; PAY beforehand was never well served; if
you would be well SERVED, serve yourself; SPARE well and have to spend; everyone
SPEAKS well of the bridge which carries him over; if a THING’S worth doing, it’s worth
doing well; if you WANT a thing done well, do it yourself.

west see EAST is east, and west is west; EAST, west, home’s best.

wet see (adverb) SOW dry and set wet; (verb) the CAT would eat fish, but would not wet
her feet.

It’s not WHAT you know, it’s who you know

1992 Economist 26 Dec. 20/1 ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,’ is the cry
of the disappointed and excluded around the world. How true: intelligence and
application help in life, but contacts are what count. 1998 Housing Agenda Apr. 12/1
Take getting a job. The old adage that ‘it’s not what you know but who you know’has
more than a kernel of truth in it. bribery and corruption

what see also what you don’t KNOW can’t hurt you; what MATTERS is what works; what
MUST be must be; what you SEE is what you get; what goes UP must come down.

wheel see the SQUEAKING wheel gets the grease.

while see while there’s LIFE there’s hope.

whirlwind see they that SOW the wind shall reap the whirlwind.

whistle see don’t HALLOO till you are out of the wood; a SOW may whistle, though it has
an ill mouth for it.

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