A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

have snow; ONE for the mouse, one for the crow; a REED before the wind lives on, while
mighty oaks do fall; ROBIN Hood could brave all weathers but a thaw wind; they that SOW
the wind shall reap the whirlwind; STRAWS tell which way the wind blows.

window see the EYES are the window of the soul; when POVERTY comes in at the door,
love flies out of the window.

When the WINE is in, the wit is out

Wit is used in the sense of ‘intelligence’, rather than ‘clever or amusing talk’.

c 1390 GOWER Confessio Amantis VI. 555 For wher that wyn doth wit aweie [does
away with wit], Wisdom hath lost the rihte weie [path]. 1529 MORE Dialogue of Images
III. xvi. Whan the wyne were in and the wyt out, wolde they take vppon them.. to handle
holy scrypture. 1560 T. BECON Works I. 536V When the wine is in, the wit is out. 1710
S. PALMER Proverbs 18 When the Wine’s In, the Wit’s Out. 1854 J. W. WARTER Last
of Old Squires vi. None is a Fool always, every one sometimes. When the Drink goes in,
then the Wit goes out. 1937 V. WILKINS And so—Victoria iii. Remember what I told you
last night—that with wine in, wits go out. drunkenness

wine see also GOOD wine needs no bush; you can’t put NEW wine in old bottles; from the
SWEETEST wine, the tartest vinegar; there is TRUTH in wine.

wing see a BIRD never flew on one wing; the MOTHER of mischief is no bigger than a
midge’s wing.

wink see a NOD‘S as good as a wink to a blind horse.

wins see SLOW and steady wins the race.

WINTER never rots in the sky

1621 J. HALL Contemplations XIII in Recollections 32 God.. chooses out a fit
season for the execution; As we vse to say of winter, the iudgements of God doe neuer rot
in the skie, but shall fall (if late, yet) surely. 1670 J. RAY English Proverbs 42 Winter
never rots in the sky. 1817 W. BENTLEY Diary 24 Jan. (1914) IV. 434 ‘Winter does not
rot in the sky.’ We have a deep snow and for the first time this season the Earth is
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