A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
but ‘worry’. 1909 British Weekly 8 July 333 It is worry that kills, they say, and not work.
.. The canker of care seems to eat the life away. 1930[?] S. K. HOCKING Mystery Man
vi. 42 ‘Please don’t talk about bother,’ she said gently and sincerely. ‘Naturally we’ve
been worried and anxious.’ ‘Oh, but you shouldn’t worry,’ and he grinned again. ‘It’s
worry that kills, so I’ve been told.’ stress; work

If you won’t WORK you shan’t eat

With allusion to 2 THESSALONIANS iii. 10 (AV) If any would not work, neither should
he eat.

c 1535 D. LINDSAY Satire of Three Estates (EETS) 475 Qui non laborat, non
manducet. .. Quha labouris nocht he sall not eit. 1624 CAPT. J. SMITH General Hist.
Virginia III. X. He that will not worke shall not eate. 1891 R. KIPLING Life’s Handicap
362 If you won’t work you shan’t eat. .. You’re a wild elephant, and no educated animal
at all. Go back to your jungle. 1938 N. STREATFEILD Circus is Coming v. Proper terma-
gent she was, bless her. ‘Them as can’t work can’t eat,’ she always said. 1981 J. STUBBS
Ironmaster xx. I say them as don’t work shan’t eat. idleness; work

work see also (noun) the DEVIL finds work for idle hands to do; the END crowns the
work; the EYE of a master does more work than both his hands; FOOLS and bairns should
never see half-done work; if IFS and ands were pots and pans, there’d be no work for tinkers’
hands; MANY hands make light work; a WOMAN’S work is never done; (verb) what
MATTERS is what works; TIME works wonders.

workman see a BAD workman blames his tools.

workshop see an IDLE brain is the Devil’s workshop.

world see it takes ALL sorts to make a world; all’s for the BEST in the best of all possible
worlds; BETTER be out of the world than out of the fashion; GOD’S in his heaven, all’s right
with the world; one HALF of the world does not know how the other half lives; the HAND that
rocks the cradle rules the world; LAUGH and the world laughs with you; a LIE is halfway
round the world; LOVE makes the world go round.

Even a WORM will turn
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