worth see also a BIRD in the hand is worth two in the bush; a KING’S chaff is worth more
than other men’s corn; an OUNCE of practice is worth a pound of precept; a PECK of March
dust is worth a king’s ransom; one PICTURE is worth ten thousand words; it is a POOR dog
that’s not worth whistling for; a SWARM in May is worth a load of hay; if a THING’S worth
doing, it’s worth doing well; one VOLUNTEER is worth two pressed men.
worthy see the LABOURER is worthy of his hire.
wrath see a SOFT answer turneth away wrath.
wren see the ROBIN and the wren are God’s cock and hen.
wrong see (noun) he who is ABSENT is always in the wrong; the KING can do no wrong;
TWO wrongs don’t make a right; (adverb) if ANYTHING can go wrong, it will; (adjective)
there is no such thing as BAD weather, only the wrong clothes.