the more you STIR it..
for WANT of a nail the shoe was lost..
WILFUL waste makes woeful want
he who WILLS the end, wills the means
action and inaction see also words and deeds
as good be an ADDLED egg as an idle bird
the BETTER the day, the better the deed
BETTER to light one candle..
BETTER to live one day as a tiger..
BETTER to wear out than to rust out
COUNCILS of war never fight
DELAYS are dangerous
when in DOUBT, do nowt
the ROAD to hell is paved with good intentions
if you SIT by the river for long enough..
let SLEEPING dogs lie
USE it or lose it
adversity see also good fortune
ADVERSITY makes strange bedfellows
the BLOOD of the martyrs is the seed of the Church
the DEVIL was sick, the Devil a saint would be..
a FRIEND in need is a friend indeed
if LIFE hands you lemons, make lemonade
a FOOL may give a wise man counsel
NIGHT brings counsel
don’t TEACH your grandmother to suck eggs
age see middle age; old age; youth
agreement see under harmony and disharmony
hasty CLIMBERS have sudden falls
the HIGHER the monkey climbs..
if you are not the LEAD dog, the view never changes
up like a ROCKET..