the EYES are the windows of the soul
FINE feathers make fine birds
FIRST impressions are the most lasting
a GOOD horse cannot be of a bad colour
what you SEE is what you get
army see under soldiers
EVERY little helps
FOUR eyes see more than two
MANY hands make light work
a MOUSE may help a lion
if you’re not part of the SOLUTION..
everyone SPEAKS well of the bridge..
TOO many cooks spoil the broth
TWO heads are better than one
do not call a WOLF to help you against the dogs
associates see also example, good and bad; friends
where BEES are, there is honey
BIG fleas have little fleas..
BIRDS of a feather flock together
CAESAR’S wife must be above suspicion
where the CARCASE is..
a man is known by the COMPANY he keeps
the DEVIL looks after his own
if you LIE down with dogs..
LOVE me, love my dog
MORE people know Tom Fool..
POLITICS makes strange bedfellows
if there were no RECEIVERS, there would be no thieves
the ROTTEN apple injuries its neighbours
there is SAFETY in numbers
the SUN loses nothing by shining into a puddle
he who SUPS with the Devil should have a long spoon
he that TOUCHES pitch shall be defiled
badness see good and evil; wrong-doers