THREE may keep a secret..
TRUTH lies at the bottom of a well
TRUTH will out
conduct see also politeness
CAESAR’S wife must be above suspicion
if the CAP fits, wear it
EVIL communications corrupt good manners
what can you EXPECT from a pig but a grunt?
he is a GOOD dog who goes to church
HANDSOME is as handsome does
one might as well be HANGED for a sheep as a lamb
HONESTY is the best policy
you can’t PLEASE everyone
PRETTY is as pretty does
when in ROME, do as the Romans do
if the SHOE fits, wear it
it is ill SITTING at Rome and striving with the Pope
CONFESS and be hanged
CONFESSION is good for the soul
a FAULT confessed is half redressed
CONSCIENCE makes cowards of us all
a clean CONSCIENCE is a good pillow
CORPORATIONS have neither bodies to be punished..
DO right and fear no man
EVIL doers are evil dreaders
he who EXCUSES, accuses himself
a GUILTY conscience needs no accuser
consequences see action and consequence
constancy and inconstancy see also change
a DOG is for life..
the LEOPARD does not change his spots
LOVE me little, love me long
it is best to be OFF with the old love..