when GREEK meets Greek, then comes the tug of war
there is no LITTLE enemy
Englishness see national characteristics
entertaining see hospitality
when the LAST tree is cut down..
THINK global, act local
envy see content and discontent; malice
when ADAM delved and Eve span..
a CAT may look at a king
DOGS look up to you..
JACK is as good as his master
the RICH man has his ice in the summer..
he who is ABSENT is always in the wrong
if ANYTHING can go wrong, it will
a FAULT confessed is half redressed
GARBAGE in, garbage out
HOMER sometimes nods
there’s MANY a slip between cup and lip
a MISS is as good as a mile
if you don’t make MISTAKES you don’t make anything
evil see under good and evil
example, good and bad
EVIL communications corrupt good manners
EXAMPLE is better than precept
an OUNCE of practice is worth a pound of precept
one PICTURE is worth ten thousand words
every PICTURE tells a story