the APPLE never falls far from the tree
BETTER a good COW..
BLOOD is thicker than water
BLOOD will tell
what’s BRED in the bone..
from CLOGS to clogs is only three generations
the FAMILY that prays together stays together
it takes three GENERATIONS to make a gentleman
KEEP your own fish-guts for your own sea-maws
from SHIRTSLEEVES to shirtsleeves in three generations
the SHOEMAKER’S son always goes barefoot
fashion see innovation; novelty
fate and fatalism
if you’re BORN to be hanged..
every BULLET has its billet
one DAY honey, one day onion
you can only DIE once
every ELM has its man
whom the GODS would destroy, they first make mad
what GOES around comes around
HANGING and wiving go by destiny
MAN proposes, God disposes
MANY are called but few are chosen
what MUST be, must be
as a TREE falls, so shall it lie
what goes UP must come down
fickleness see under constancy and inconstancy
fiction see reality and illusion
fighting see warfare
ALL good things must come to an end
the END crowns the work
EVERYTHING has an end
the OPERA isn’t over till the fat lady sings