A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
because a MAN is born in a stable..
ONCE a —, always a —
a ROLLING stone gathers no moss
SCRATCH a Russian and you find a Tartar
the STYLE is the man
the TREE is known by its fruit
as the TWIG is bent, so is the tree inclined
YORKSHIRE born and Yorkshire bred..
YOUNG saint, old devil

hunger see also food and drink

APPETITE comes with eating
EMPTY sacks will never stand upright
it’s ill speaking between a FULL man and a fasting
GOD never sends mouths but He sends meat
HUNGER drives the wolf out of the wood
HUNGER is the best sauce
a HUNGRY man is an angry man

husbands see wives and husbands


the DEVIL can quote Scripture for his own ends
the DEVIL was sick, the Devil a saint would be..
DO as I say, not as I do
FINE words butter no parsnips
those who live in GLASS houses..


there is no ACCOUNTING for tastes
it takes ALL sorts to make a world
EVERY man to his taste
every LAND has its own law
one man’s MEAT is another man’s poison
so many MEN, so many opinions
there’s NOWT so queer as folk
there is REASON in the roasting of eggs
he that would go to SEA for pleasure..
the STYLE is the man
TASTES differ
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