A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1


GOOD fences make good neighbours
what a NEIGHBOUR gets is not lost


BAD news travels fast
GO abroad and you’ll hear news of home
NO news is good news


BETTER be out of the world..
FAR-FETCHED and dear-bought is good for ladies
there is always something NEW out of Africa
there is NOTHING new under the sun
one STORY is good till another is told
VARIETY is the spice of life


the FIRST duty of a soldier is obedience
he that cannot OBEY cannot command
OBEY orders if you break owners

obscurity see fame and obscurity


FOUR eyes see more than two
LOOKERS-ON see most of the game


little BIRDS that can sing and won’t sing..
there’s none so BLIND..
he that will to CUPAR maun to Cupar
there’s none so DEAF..
if the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet..
SUSSEX won’t be druv
a WILFUL man must have his way

old age

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