A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1


CAESAR’s wife must be above suspicion

Julius Caesar replied thus (according to Plutarch) when asked why he had divorced his
wife Pompeia. He considered his honour and position compromised, since she was indirectly
associated with Publius Clodius’ trial for sacrilege. Cf. 1580 LYLY Euphues & his England II.
101 Al women shal be as Caesar would haue his wife, not onelye free from sinne, but from

1779 A. ADAMS Letter 4 Jan. in L. H. Butterfield et al. Adams Family
Correspondence (1973) III. 148 It is a very great misfortune that persons imployed in the
most important Departments should.. have seperate interests from the publick whom they
profess to serve. Caesars wife ought not to be suspected. 1847 J. C. & A. W. HARE
Guesses at Truth (ed. 3) 1st Ser. 263 Caesar’s wife ought to be above suspicion...Caesar
himself ought to be so too. 1965 O. MILLS Dusty Death xxi. Policemen.. are like.
..candidates for the Church of England ministry. .. and Caesar’s wife. .. Not only they, but
all their relations, must be above suspicion. 1990 Washington Times 9 July D2 He [i.e.
Governor D. Wilder] ought to bear in mind the maxim of one of Caligula’s more lucid
predecessors: Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. And so should Caesar. associates;

cake see you cannot HAVE your cake and eat it.

calf see a BELLOWING cow soon forgets her calf.

call see call no man HAPPY till he dies; he who PAYS the piper calls the tune.

called see MANY are called but few are chosen.

calm see AFTER a storm comes a calm.

camel see it is the LAST straw that breaks the camel’s back; TRUST in God but tie your

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