Restinga Paralela = Parallel Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1
Aspectos da erosão na foz do rio Paraiba do Sul, na região de Atafona
Marine erosion in the mouth of Paraiba do Sul River, in the region of Atafona

sequences of these changes that can be
observed at present is the beginning of
the process of eutrophication. Regretta-
bly, these changes are occurring without
the prior scientific knowledge of these
ecosystems, which will hinder their pos-
sible recovery in the future(44).

In 1995, an engineer and a biologist from the State Super-
intendence of Rivers and Lagoons Foundation - SERLA carried
out a survey of the lagoons of the State of Rio de Janeiro, based
on sheets of the Brazilian map in a scale of 1: 50,000. This in-
ventory revealed that the State of Rio has 105 lagoons, of which
67 are located between Macaé and Itabapoana Rivers, the lim-
its of Campos dos Goitacás District in the eighteenth century.
Thus, the true region of the lakes is the northern Fluminense,
title that would be much more justified if the profuse and dilated
lagoons totally drained by the various sanitation institutions of
the Baixada Fluminense were computed. Among the 67 lagoons,
the techniques included 31 as belonging to restinga, namely: Im-
boacica, Cabiúnas, Comprida, Paulista, three unnamed lagoons
on the map, Carapebus, Barrinha, Campelo, Canema, Carrilho,
Carvão, Casa Velha, Chica, Maria Menina, Pires, Piripiri, Preta,
Ribeira, Robalo, Ubatuba, Visgueiro, Lagamar, Campelo, Grussaí,
Iquipari, Mangue, Praia and Salgada(45). This survey, however,
resists in three aspects: it was based on IBGE Brazilian map,
whose first edition dates from 1968 and is based on a 1966 ae-
rial photogrammetric survey, which was not updated until now;
did not search for field confirmation; and ignored historical as-
pects of the lagoons.

Still referring to cartography, the Brazil Geological Chart,
from 1954, scale of 1:100,000, squares of Campos, São Tomé,
Feia Lagoon and Xexé, which accompanies one of Alberto Ribeiro
Lamego's most recent remarkable works(37), show the two rest-
ingas of northern Fluminense as an inextricable network of land
and water. There are many marshes, including marshes located
between restinga strips, being highlighted the lagoons of Mingote,
Peixe, Geribá, Pires, Jurumirim, Jagoroaba, Carrilho, Canema, Peri
Peri, Capãozinho, Luciano and Dentro. As the squares do not cov-
er the entire southern restinga, the representation is not com-
plete. The Jagoroaba-Ubatuba channel is very clearly drawn on
the map by Marcelino Ramos da Silva. According to Sampaio(46),
Jagoroaba is derived from yaguar, jaguar, and aba, fur. Ubatuba
may derives from ybá-tyba, site of fruits; from uyba-tyba, site of
the arrows; or even Yba-tyba, site of canoes. On the other hand,
the northern restinga is fully contemplated, showing the Açu la-
goons (with the name of Açu River), Ostra, Salgada, Pau Grande,

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