Peru 682, 686–688
Pétain, Marshal 99, 111, 246; and
Vichy 289, 338–339
Pfimlin, Pierre 526
Philby, Kim 413
Philippines 275, 285, 947;
independent republic 380;
Japanese capture of 380;
Japanese defeat 380; American
control 380; Huk activities
380–381; alliance with America
381, 589, 647
Phoumi Nosavan, General 559
Pieck, Wilhelm 316
Pineau, François 447
Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto
Pius XI, Pope 150
Pius XII, Pope 149–150
Pleven, René 509, 519
Pleven Plan 519, 543
Podgorny, Nicolai 784
Poincaré, Raymond 91, 138,
140, 156–157; support for
Russia 57
Poindexter, John M. 820
Pol Pot 599–600
Poland: gains from Versailles 118,
123; population 118;
independence 122; war with
Russia 133; treaties with France
and Germany 138; non-
aggression pacts with Germany
207; British and French
guarantees 233; approach to war
234–239; German invasion 239;
alliance with Britain; Russian
invasion 242; defeat in Second
World War 241–242; under
German and Russian occupation
265–266, 284; massacre of Jews
266–270 unsuccessful rising 289
question of future 271, 284,
285, 293–296; communist-
dominated government 321,
322–323, 477; expulsion of
Germans 310; road to socialism
323, 477; Catholic Church in
323, 477; reforms 478; purge of
Stalinists 479; industrial union
780, 781; treaty with West
Germany 833; resistance to
communism 780–781; and
economic and political change
892; and NATO 892; and
European Union 893, 952
‘Polish corridor’ 118
Polish-German Treaty (1970) 833
Pompidou, Georges 529, 533,
Popieluszko, Father Jerzy 891
Popov, Gavriil 804
Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine 904
Portsmouth, Peace of (1995) 69
Portugal 374; decolonisation
772–773; and EEC 877, 881;
transition to democracy
Potsdam Conference (1945)
POUM (Partido Obrero de
Unificación Marxista) 218
Powell, Colin 928, 929, 932
Powell, Enoch 541
Pozsgay, Imre 893–894
‘Prague Spring’ (1968) 780
Princip, Gavrilo 55
Prodi, Romano 847–848
Profumo, John 546
Prohibition 141, 166
Public Works Administration
(America) 166
Pugo, Boris 806
Punjab 630, 634, 641
Putin, Vladimir 812–813, 951
Quayle, Dan 820
Quebec 532, 827–828
Quebec Conference (1944) 292
Quemoy 398, 492
Rabin, General Yizhak 457, 905,
911, 916
Raffarin, Jean-Pierre 872–873
Rafsanjani, Hojatoleslam 913
Rahman, Abdul 597
Rajk, Laszla 483
Rákosi, Mátyás 324, 481
Rapallo Treaty (1922) 133, 168
Rasputin, Grigori 103
Rassemblement du Peuple Français
(RPF) 342
Rath, Ernst vom 224
Rathenau, Walter 92, 130
Rawlings, Jerry 732
Reagan, Ronald 814; nuclear
missile agreement 819;
economic policies 815–817;
popularity 814, 817; foreign
policy 817–820; attitude to
communism 817; and arms
control 817, 818, 819; and
Irangate 820
Reconstruction Finance
Corporation 164
Recruit scandal (1988), Japan 652
Red Brigades 844
Red Guards 613, 614, 616–617,
Reichstag Fire 190
reparations: after First World War
120, 130, 131, 137, 138, 142,
153, 157, 188; after Second
World War 300–301, 312–313
Reuter, Ernst 373
Reykjavik summit (1986) 801, 819
Reynaud, Paul 246
Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shah of Iran
Rhee, Syngman 406, 491, 659
Rhineland: Allied evacuation of
139; German remilitarisation
211, 212
Rhodes, Cecil 754
Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe, q.v.)
540, 754–759
Ribbentrop, Joachim 222, 227,
Ridgway, General Mathew 412
Rivera, Diego 715
Rivera, José Antonio de 215
Rivera, Primo de 214, 216
‘Road Map’ (Palestine-Israel 2003)
Robertson, General Sir William 98
Robles, Gil 215
Rocard, Michel 867
Rogers, William 790
Roh, M. Hyun 946
Roh, Tae Woo 659, 662, 663
Röhm, Ernst 192
Rokossowski, Marshal Konstanty
Roman, Petre 897
Romania: and Balkan wars 46–47;
and First World War 92, 96;
guarantees March 1939 233;
and Second World War 242,
254, 280, 291; post-war
frontiers 321; communist rule
322, 323, 324, 895–896;
Western support 896; revolution
(1989) 890, 895, 896–897and
post revolution 897–898
Rome, Fascist march on (1922)
Rome, Treaty of (1957) 523, 874
Romero, Archbishop Oscar
684–685, 710
Rommel, Erwin 279