A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1

San Francisco Conference (1945)
298, 357
Sanders, Liman von 47
Sandino, Augusto Cesar 711
Sanjurjo, General José 216
Saragat, Giuseppe 347, 548
Sarajevo 54, 921
Sarcozy, Nicholas 873
Sarney, José 701
Saro-Wiwa, Ken 735
Sato Eisaku 651
Saudi Arabia 123, 444, 453, 938,
Savage, Michael Joseph 438, 675
Savimbi, Dr Jonas 773
Saw Maung, General 593
Sazonov, Sergei 47, 57, 97
Scali, John 571
Scargill, Arthur 855
Schacht, Hjalmar 156, 193
Scheidemann, Philipp 116
Schleicher, Genral Kurt von 189,
Schleyer, Hans Martin 835
Schlieffen, Count Alfred von 21
Schlieffen Plan 21, 59, 61, 89
Schmidt, Helmut 834–835
Schneider, General René 690
Schröder, Gerhard 841–842, 931,
Schumacher, Kurt 316–317, 506,
Schuman, Robert 518
Schuman Plan 511, 520
Schuschnigg, Kurt 227
Schultz, George, 818
Schuster, Robert 895
Schwarzkopf, General Norman
Second World War: approach to
232–238; outbreak of 238; early
German conquests 242, 244;
collapse of France 245–251;
submarine warfare 245, 278;
mass bombing 246, 247, 251,
263; Mediterranean campaign
252, 278–279, 288–289;
Russian campaign 277,
279–283, 297–298; Pacific War
285, 287, 303–305; atomic
bomb 274, 300, 304; casualties
263, 264, 274–275;
‘unconditional surrender’ policy
287; Anglo-American invasion of
France 289; pilotless bombs 301;
final stages 289–291, 297; post-
war plans 315–316; reparations

312, 313; refugees 309–310;
trials of war criminals 314
Seekt, General Hans von 131, 132
Seme, Pixly Ka Izaka 765
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)
Senegal 728
Senghor Léopold 728
September 11, 2001, New York
terror attack 927
Serbia: and Balkan wars 46–47;
and First World War 57; and
break-up of Yugoslavia 918–926
Sétif 525
Sèvres, Treaty of (1920) 123, 421
Sèvres talks (1956) 449
Shamir, Yitzhak 910–911
Sharansky, Anatoly 797
Sharit, Nawaz 636
Sharm al-Sheikh 458
Sharon, General Ariel 457, 909,
917, 936–937
Sharpeville massacre (1960) 766
Shastri, Lal Bahadur 640
Shatalin, Stanislav 805
Shatt al-Arab 912
Shevardnadze, Eduard 789, 800
Shidehara, Kijuro 84–85, 100
Shipley, Jenny 678
Shui-bian, Chen 656
Sierra Leone 539, 730
Sihanouk, Prince 599
Sikorski, General Wladyslaw 284
Silva, Cavaço 881
Silva, Luis Inàcio Lula da 949
Simitis, Costas 879
Simon, Sir John 210
Sinclair, Keith 675
Singh, Manmohan 948
Singapore 285, 382, 657–658;
independence 539; population
594; democracy 657–658
Singh, Vishwanath Pratap 641
Single European Act (1987) 875
Sinn Féin 135
Sinyavsky, Andrei 785
Sithole, Ndabaningi 755, 756, 757
Slovakia 230, 232, 254; and
European Union 952
Slovenia 919; and European
Union 952
Smith, Ian 540, 756–758, 759
Smith, John 862
Smuts, Jan 764
Snowden, Philip 160
Soares, Mário 881
Solidarity 891

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 482
Somalia 749, 750–751
Somme battles (1916) 98
Somaza Garcia, General Anastasio
Somaza Garcia, Anastasio jr 711
Somoza Garcia, Luis 711
Sorge, Richard 282
Souphanouwong, Prince 559
South Africa 539, 540, 546, 773,
949, 762–773; apartheid
764–765, 767–769; reforms and
end of apartheid 770–781
South-East Asian Collective
Defence Treaty 497, 559, 583,
595, 599, 631, 647, 676
South Korea 405, 406, 407, 491,
658–663, 946–947
South Vietnam 557–559, 562,
Southern Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe, q.v.) 539, 754–760
Souvanna Phouma, Prince 559
Soviet Union – seeRussia
Soviet-German Treaty (1970) 833
Soweto 767–768
Spaak, Paul-Henri 371, 521
Spain: fascism in 213; internal strife
213–219; constitutional conflict
214; second Republic 215;
Popular Front 216; army coup
216–217; and EEC 877, 879;
constitutional changes 879–880;
and monetary union 880
Spanish Civil War 213–219
Spanish–American War (1898) 4,
Spartacists 116, 128
Speer, Albert 263, 298
Sputnik 495
Srebrenika 921
Sri Lanka 590, 641
Stalin, Josef 105, 121, 163, 171,
253; purges 172, 177–179; state
planning 153; Lenin’s criticism
of 171; as Lenin’s heir 171;
advancement of personal power
171–173; elimination of rivals
171–172; and industrialisation
175; policy of terror 177–178;
collectivisation 176; elimination
of kulaks 176; foreign policy
179–180; pact with Hitler 180,
235; as Hitler’s military ally 253;
unprepared for 254; German
invasion 271; and Warsaw rising
289; appeal for ‘second front’

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