A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Abacha sani 734–735
Abbas, Ferhat 525
Abbas, Mahmoud 936
Abboud, General Ferik Ibrahim
Abdul Hamid, Sultan 38
Abdul Rahman, Tunku 597
Abdullah, King of Transjordan
(later Jordan) 423, 432,
435–437, 439
Abdullah, Sheikh of Kashmir 397
Abida, Moshood 734
ABM Treaty (1972), end of 929
Aborigines 664, 671–673
Abukabar, Abdulsalam 735
Abyssinia 31, 211, 252, 748–750
Aceh 597, 947
Acheson, Dean 365, 366; and
Korean war 407–409
Adams, Gerry 863
Aden 419
Adenauer, Konrad 316–317, 505;
as chancellor 373, 506–513; and
rebuilding of West Germany
506–507; and rearmament and
sovereignty 508; and Franco-
German reconciliation 508–509;
domestic policies 515–516; and
Monnet Plan 508
Adler, Victor 49
Aerenthal, Count 46, 52
Afghanistan 635; US intervention
929–930; civil wars 930; Soviet
invasion 635; Taliban 930
African National Congress (ANC)
Agnew, Spiro 793
Ahtisaari, Martti 925

AIDS 11, 13, 743, 772, 897, 950
al-Bashir, General Omar Hasan
Ahmed 752
Albania 252, 472, 898; Italian
occupation 235
Albert, King of the Belgians 94
Alemein 279
Alexander I, King of the Serbs 54,
Alfonsín, Raul 697
Alfonso XIII of Spain 214
Algeria 433; revolution 524–526,
527; Muslim Arabs in 524, 526;
and massacres 525, 938–939
Alia, Ramiz 898
Allawi, Iyad 934
Allende, Salvador 690, 691–692
Alliance for Progress, America
565, 681, 690, 706, 948
Allon, General Yigal 457
al-Qaeda 927, 929, 943, 954
Amato, Giuliano 846
American Colonisation Society 735
Amin, Idi 742, 904
Amritsar 641; massacre (1919)
Andean Pact 690
Andreotti, Giulio 846
Andropov, Yuri 787, 788
Anglo-Egyptian Treaties: (1936)
424, 440, 492; (1954) 443, 446
Anglo-German Naval Agreement
(1935) 210
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 439
Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (1948) 432
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985)
Anglo-Polish Alliance (1939) 236

Angola 772–773
Ankrah, General Joseph 731–732
Annan, Kofi 933, 953
Anschluss 227
Antall, Jozsef 894
Anti-Comintern Pact (1936) 256
ANZUS 647, 667, 676
Arab League 432, 439
Arab Legion 435–436, 445
Arafat, Yasser 444, 905, 908,
910–911, 916, 936
Araucanian Indians 689
Arbenz, Colonel Jacobo 492, 709
Arévalo, Juan José 709
Argentina 695, 946, 949;
‘disappearances’ 696; population
695; military regime 696;
economy 695, 696, 698; and
Falklands 696–697, 697–698
Argov, Shlomo 908
Arias Sánchez, Oscar 708, 712, 713
Aristide, Father Jean-Bertrand 949
Armenia 420–421, 804; atrocities
(1915, 1916) 1, 93,
Arnhem 291
Arroyo, Gloria 947
Asquith, Herbert 36, 89
Assad, Hafez 908, 909, 916, 941
Association of South-East Asian
Nations (ASEAN) 599
Aswan High Dam 445, 454
Atal, Behari Vajpayee 643
Atatürk, Kemal 420
Atlantic, Battle of 252
Atlantic Charter 253
Attlee, Clement 247, 299, 329,
431, 440, 536
Aung San 593


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