A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1
and Indian independence 135,
162, 390–397; and
Malayan independence 383;
and colonial policy
foreign relations 37–38, 39–40
pre-1914 cooperation with
France 37, 38, 39; with
Japan 6, 201–202; policy
towards Germany 38, 37,
First World War 57–61, 89,
91, 94, 95–96, 98–99,
111–113; and peace
negotiations 114, 117–120
123–126; as mediator after
First World War between
France and Germany 131;
and Locarno 131;
rearmament 209; attitude
to Nazi Germany 210,
220–223, 227–230;
appeasement 205–206,
228–231; closer alignment
with France 212; non-
intervention in Spanish
Civil War 213, 219;
attitude to Italy 222, 227;
approach of war 229–238;
alliance with Poland 236
Second World War 242–251,
263, 276–279, 283–305;
alliance with Russia 254;
appeasement of Japan
256–258; mass bombing
274; war casualties 275;
atomic research 277; and
Greece 336; and occupied
Germany 310–312,
313–314, 316; postwar
adjustments 334; European
commitments 334, 508;
and communist danger
334; Palestine 335–336,
426, 431–437; treaty with
France 335, 371; NATO
374; and Suez 438–452;
and India, 390–397; and
Malaysia, 597–598; and
Rhodesia 754–758; postwar
foreign policy 537–538,
544; and nuclear weapons
537, 538; continued
alliance with United States
537, 574–575; joins
SEATO 676; and Hong
Kong 656

politics and social conditions 35
population 34; trade unions
34; constitutional crisis
(1909) 35; and Ireland
134–135; industrial decline
33–34, 136; unemployment
136, 163; depression
162–163; financial crisis
161; Labour victory 329;
economic weakness 328;
welfare state 330;
nationalisation 331; and
world economic
reconstruction 331; ending
of lend-lease 331–333;
economic recovery 334,
536–537; and
immigration 540–541; the
economy 849, 850, 852,
855, 861, 863; Thatcherism
854, 857–858; poll-tax
disaster 857; Maastricht
859, 860–861, 862, 863;
and Yugoslavia, 919–925;
and Labour electoral victory
862; and ‘New Labour’
862; and Northern Ireland
851–852, 861, 862–863;
and Iraq War 934
Brown, George 850
Brown, Gordon 863, 952
Brüning, Heinrich 156, 183
Brusilov, General Alexei 99
Brussels Treaty (1948) 337, 371
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 798, 795
Buchlau talks (1908) 52
Bukharin, Nikolai 170, 172,
Bukovina 254
Bulganin, Nikolai 474, 475
Bulgaria: and Balkan wars 46–47;
and First World War 99, 113;
and Second World War 254,
291, 327; communist rule in
324, 348
Burgess, Guy 413
Bukina Faso 728
Burma 273, 303; independence
592; attempted communist
subversion 592; non-alignment
592; military rule 592–593
Burma-Siam railway 264
Burundi 743
Bush, George 820–822; and Gulf
War 821, 914–916; and
Gorbashev 821

Bush, George W.: disputed
election 826–827; ‘September
11’ 927, 944; and Afghanistan
929–930; and Iraq 930–935;
and handling of economy
927–928; Kyoto Treaty 929;
ABM Treaty 929; and
Palestine-Israel conflict
Busia, Dr Kofi 731
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu 767, 771
Butler, R. A. 330, 536–537
Byrnes, James 300, 364

Caballero, Largo 215, 218
Caetano, Marcello 881
Cairo Conference (1943) 405
Callaghan, James 853–854
Calwell, Arthur 665
Cambodia (now Kampuchea) 491,
559, 599–600
Cameroon 728
Camp David accords (1978) 907,
Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament (CND) 538
Canada 375–376; 947; in NATO
374; economic boom 827; and
Second World War 375; de
Gaulle’s interference in 532;
constitutional problems 376,
827; and NAFTA 823
Canberra Pact (1944) 676
Capone, Al 141
Caporetto, battle of (1917) 112,
Cárdenas, Lázaro 715
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique 702
Carlos, King Juan 879–880
Carrington, Lord 919
Carter, Jimmy 793–794, 794–796;
and human rights 693, 795; and
SALT II 795; economic policy
795; Middle East policy 464,
466, 796, 906–907; hostage
crisis 466, 796, 911; and
Russian missile build-up 795
Casablanca Conference (1943) 287
Castro, Fidel 493–494, 564, 568;
and missile crisis 568–573
Catalonia 880
Ceaus ̧escu, Nicolae 889, 895–897
Central African Federation 756
Central African Republic 743
Central Treaty Organisation
(formerly Baghdad Pact, q.v.)

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