A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1
493–500; and ‘missile gap’ 495;
avoidance of war 490; and
Vietnam 496–497, 558–560;
opposes use of atomic bomb
497; Middle East policy 455,
498; main achievement 500; and
Cuba 559
Eisenhower Doctrine 455
Eisner, Kurt 116
El Alamein 279
El Salvador 707, 709–710 terror
and death squads 710;
population 707; economy 710;
civil war 710
ELAS (Greek resistance group)
Enabling Law (Germany, 1933)
Endara, Guillermo 714
Entebbe 904
EOKA (Cypriot separatist group)
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip 883, 953
Erhard, Ludwig 317, 507,
512–513; prime minister 542,
Eritrea 748–750
Eshkol, Levi 456, 458
Estonia 121, 293, 320;
independence movement 801,
802, 821; and European Union
Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia, q.v.)
744; famine 744, 748–750
Euratom 521
European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC) 508, 520;
Treaty (1951) 508
European Defence Community
(EDC) 509, 519, 521
European Economic Area 876
European Economic Community
(Common Market) 521–523,
545; formation 523; French
leadership 576; British attempts
to join 538, 545–546; Britain
joins 852
European Free Trade Area 672
European Free Trade Association
(EFTA) 544, 876–877
European Monetary System (EMS)
European Monetary Union
(EMU) 863, 881, 884
European Movement 518, 521
European Union 883–885,

Evans, Gareth 672
Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
859, 860, 876

Fabius, Laurent 868
Faisal II of Iraq 423, 424, 439
Falkenhayn, General Erich von 99
Falkland Islands 697
Fanfani, Amantore 552
Farouk I of Egypt 424, 441
fascism 144–150
Faubus, Orval 489
Fawzi, Mahmoud 448
Figueres, José 707
Finland 121; and Second World
War 253–254; and EFTA 876;
and EU 877; First World War 7,
17, 89; casualties 89, 91, 99;
submarine warfare 92–93, 112;
atrocities 93; aims 97–98;
American intervention 110–111
FitzGerald, Garret 851
Fiume 144, 146
Flandin, Pierre 212
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 113,
Fontainbleau summit (1984) 875
Ford, Gerald 605, 793
Ford, Henry 141
Fourteen Points (Wilson) 112, 114
Fox, Vincente 948
colonial and foreign relations 26
pre-1914 alliance with Russia
and alignment with Britain
26; colonial policy
385–389, 425–426,
524–534, 725, 726–729;
and German threat 26; and
First World War 89, 95, 97,
98, 99, 111, 112–113; and
peace negotiations 108,
114–115, 117–120,
123–126; reconciliation
with Germany 131, 137;
and ‘German problem’ 137;
alliances with Poland and
Czechoslovakia 138;
defensive military strategy
222–223; opposition to
German rearmament 206;
offer of ‘Eastern Locarno
131; pact with the Soviet
Union 212; closer
alignment with Britain 212;
non-intervention in Spanish
civil war 218; failing

alliance with Britain 230;
and approach of war 221,
232, 233–234, 237–239
Second World War defeat
243, 245–252, 269, 275,
279; occupation 279;
resistance 338, 270;
casualties 275; Middle East
mandate 425–427;
provisional government
post-war on Control
Commission 507–508; and
occupied Germany
313–315, 343–344, 518;
treaty of alliance with
Britain 335, 371; and
NATO 374, 532; and
Algeria 524–526; and
empire 726–729; and
Vietnam 385–389, 496;
and Middle East 425–426,
458; and Suez 446–452;
and ECSC 508;
reconciliation with West
Germany 508–511, 518;
and European movement
518; rejection of EDC 519;
and ECSC 520; and EEC
politics and social conditions
‘Belle Epoque’ 22;
conservatism 22; population
23; industrialisation 23;
administration 23–24; anti-
clericalism 24, political
groupings 25, 514;
domestic recovery after First
World War 139; split of
socialism 140; Popular
Front 158; industrial
legislation 159
provisional government
338–341; Vichy 289, 338,
330; and Jews 871; post
Second World War
problems 340–341, 515;
trials of collaborators
339–40; new constitution
342; Fourth Republic 342,
514–523; political instability
342; economic recovery
342–343, 516–517, 530;
elitist establishment 516;
end of Fourth Republic
523, 527; Fifth Republic
constitution 529; May 1968


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