207–210, 220–223, 227–230;
return of Saar 210; repudiation
of Versailles and Locarno 212;
remilitarisation of Rhineland
212; support of Franco 217;
share of blame for war 220, 221;
takes over army 227; annexes
Austria 227; plan to attack
Czechoslovakia 230; Munich
triumph 231; invasion of
Czechoslovakia 232; outbreak of
war 234–239; early successes
241–242, 243–250; ‘peace’
proposals 242, 249; failure to
invade Britain 251; declares war
on America 253; war with
Russia 254, 264, 265, 280,
283–284; suicide 298
Hizbollah 941
Hlinka, Father 231
Ho Chi-minh 385–388, 558–559,
602, 603
Hoare, Sir Samuel 211
Hobson, J. A. 100
Hodge, General John 406
Hoffman, Paul 367, 486
Holbrooke, Richard 923
Holland, Sidney George 675
Holocaust 265–270
Holt, Harold 669
Holyoake, Keith 675–676
Home Rule Bill (1912) 40
Honduras 492, 707, 708
Honecker, Erich 900–901
Hong Kong 74, 628, 656–657
Hoover, Herbert 140, 164, 169
Hoover, J. Edgar 578
Hopkins, Harry 166–167, 299
Horthy, Admiral Miklós 289, 324
Hossbach, Colonel Friedrich 226
Hötzendorf, Conrad von 56
Houphouët-Boigny, Félix
House, Colonel Edward M. 110
House Committee on Un-
American Activities 404,
413–414, 488
Howard, John 673
Howard, Michael 952
Howe, Sir Geoffrey 858
Hoxha, Enver 898
Hoyos, Count 56
Hu Jintao 627
Hu Yaobang 619, 622
Hua Guofeng 619
Huerta, General Victoriano 715
Hugenberg, Alfred 183–184, 188
Hughes, Charles Evans 141
Huk guerrillas 381
Hull, Cordell 260
Humphrey, George 487
Humphrey, Hubert 585
Hungary 47, 49, 92; part of
Habsburg Empire 47–50;
nationalities 49; Magyar
administration 50; as separate
state 252; and Second World
War 254, 289; post-war frontier
321, 322; communist rule
324–325; rising 479–480,
497–498, 780; Soviet
suppression 325; and economy
893–894; and NATO 892; and
European Union 894, 952
Hurtado, Miguel de la Madrid 716
Husák, Gustáv 894
Hussein, King of Jordan 439, 445,
455, 457, 459, 910, 942
Hussein, Saddam 821, 911,
912–916, 930–935
Ibn Saud, King Abdul Aziz 432
Ibrahim, Anwar 947
Iceland 374
Ickes, Harold 166
Idris, King of Libya 752
Ikeda, Hayato 648, 649
Iliescu, Ion 897
Imperial Economic Conference
(Ottawa, 1932) 162
Inchon 411
India: migrations from 10; as
British dependency 390,
391–396; independence
396–399; religious differences
390–391; racial prejudice 391;
civil disobedience 392; and
Second World War 296, 393;
partition 396–397; and Kashmir
397, 631, 637, 641; as
democratic and secular republic
629, 638–643; and China 632;
conflict with Pakistan 631–632,
637, 638, 641; non-alignment
in Cold War 632; princes 638;
language issue 638–639;
political divisions 641, 643, 947;
and Russia 632; birth control
640; population 642; and
economy 639, 642
Indian Independence League
Indian National Congress 392,
Indo-China 259, 260, 261, 343;
and French empire 385–387;
French defeat 388–389;
independence 389, 557–558,
Indonesia 273, 383–385, 593–597
INF Treaty (1987) 819, 835
Inkatha Freedom Party 769, 770,
International Brigades 180, 219
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 331–332, 728, 745,
intifada910, 917
Iqbal, Mohammed 938
Iran 364, 418, 425, 492, 938,
939–940; and Second World
War 425; oil 364; Kurds in 418;
overthrow of Shah 463–465;
modernisation 463; Western
support 492; revolution
463–466; Islamic Republic 911,
913, 940; American hostages
466, 796, 911; war with Iraq
Iran-Contra affair 820, 912
Iraq 124, 279, 418, 423; Kurds in
424, 911, 915; Shias, 915–916;
and Gulf War 911–916; and
Second World War 424; coup
424, 439; and Arab-Israeli war
435–437; break with West 455;
and Baghdad Pact 455; joins
Jordanian-Egyptian pact 460;
war with Iran 911–913; and
UN 930–931; second Iraq war
(2003) 933–935; postwar
Ireland 135
Irgun Zwai Leumi 433, 435–437
Irish Republican Army (IRA) 135,
851, 852
Ironsi, Aguiyi 733
Islamic Jihad 916
Israel 420, 453; creation of
434–437; terrorism 433–434;
conflict with Arabs 444, 456;
raids on Jordan 444; and Suez
crisis 446–452; post-war
development 455–458;
immigrants to 455–456;
population growth 456; as a
democracy 457; invasion of
Lebanon 905; and Six-Day War
457–459; and Yom Kippur War
461–462; and Palestinian
question 935–937; peace