Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya. I I I

soften calcaneal spurs. It strengthens the ankles and makes the legs
shapely. The practice of this asana helps to eradicate stiffness in the
region of the shoulder-blades, and arthritis of the shoulder joints is
relieved. The abdominal muscles are drawn towards the spine and
strengthened. As the diaphragm is lifted to the chest cavity the rate of
the heart beat is slowed down. This ' is an exhilarating pose.
Those who are afraid to do Sir�asana (Plate r 84) can conveniently
practise this position. As the trunk is lowered in this asana it is fully
stretched and healthy blood is brought to this region without any strain
on the heart. It rejuvenates the brain cells and invigorates the brain by
relieving fatigue.
Persons suffering from high blood pressure can do this pose.

34· Paripurna Navasana Two* (Plate 78)
Paripiin.:ta means entire or complete. The posture here resembles that
of a boat with oars, hence the name.


  1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in fr ont. Place the
    palms on the floor by the hips, the fingers pointing to the feet. Stretch
    the hands straight and keep the back erect. This position is called:

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