Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya II7

'Of the 84 lacs of asanas, one should always practise Siddhasana. It
purifies 72,ooo na<;i1s.' (Na<;i1s are channels in the human body through
which nervous energy passes.)
'The yogin practising contemplation upon Atman and observing a
moderate diet, i� he practises Siddhasana for twelve years, obtains the
yoga siddhis.' (Atman means the Self and the supreme Soul. Siddh1s
are supernatural faculties.)
'When Siddhasana is mastered, the Unman! Avastha (Samadhi) that
gives delight follows without effort and naturally.'
The soul has three avasthas or conditions which are included in a
fourth. They are waking, dreaming, sleeping and what is called Tur1ya.
'The first condition is that of wakefulness, where the self is conscious
of the common world of gross objects. It enjoys gross things. Here
the dependence of body is predominant. The second condition is that
of dreaming, where the self enjoys subtle things, fashioning for itself a
new world of forms from the material of its waking experience. The
spirit is said to roam freely unfettered by the bonds of the body. The
third condition is that of sound sleep, where we have neither dreams nor
desires. It is called su�upti. In it the soul is said to become temporarily
one with Brahman and to enjoy bliss. In deep sleep we are lifted above

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