Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 125

5· The hands may be stretched over the head or placed beside the
thighs. When they are stretched over the head, do not raise the shoulder­
blades from the floor.

  1. Beginners may keep the knees apart.

This asana stretches the abdominal organs and the pelvic region. People
whose legs ache will get relief from holding this pose for 10 to 15 minutes
and it is recommended to athletes and all who have to walk or stand
about for long hours. It can be done after meals and if before retiring
at night the legs feel rested next morning. Several of my P':lPils who were
cadets at the National Pefence Academy after long route marches found
great relief by combining this as ana with Sarvangasana I. (Plate 223)

  1. Paryankasana Two* (Plate 97)
    Paryanka means a bed, couch or sofa. This asana is a continuation of
    Supta Vlrasana. (Plate 96 .) In it the body resembles a couch, hence the


  1. Sit in Vfrasana. (Plate 89)

  2. Exhale and recline on the back. (Plate 93.) Lift the neck and the chest
    and arching the back up rest only the crown of the head on the floor.
    (Plate 94.) No part of the trunk should be on the floor.

3· Bend the arms at the elbows. Hold with the right hand the left upper
arm near the elbow and with the left hand the right upper arm near the
elbow. Rest the folded arms on the floor behind the head. (Plate 97)
4· Stay in the pose for a minute with even breathing.

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