Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1



Yogasanas, Bandha and Kri'ya 133

The senses are turned inwards and the rhythmic breathing calms the
mind's wandering. This brings a feeling of inner peace and one hears
the divine voice of his self within, 'Look here! look within! not out­
side, for the source of all peace is within yourself.' The posture thus
prepares the practitioner for the fifth stage of yoga, Pratyahara, where
he attempts to free himself from the thraldom of the senses and to
prevent them from running after their desires.

47· Parvatasana Four* (Plate 107)

Parva ta means a mountain. In this variation of Padmasana the arms
are stretched over the head with the fingers interlocked.

Te chni'que
r. Sit in Pad mas ana. (Plate r 04)

  1. Interlock the fingers, and stretch the hands vertically up over the
    head. Keep the head bent forward with the chin on the breast bone.
    3· Stretch the arms up from the latissimus dorsi (near the floating
    ribs at the back) and the shoulder-blades. The palms should face
    upwards. (Plate 107)
    4· Hold the pos� for a minute or two with deep and even breathing.
    Change the crossing of the legs and the interlock of the fingers and
    repeat the pose, keeping the back erect.

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