Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 159
(^5) · Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, with deep breaths. Do not
lift the bent knee off the floor while the chin is touching the knee of the
lifted leg.
- Inhale, move the head and trunk back (Plate 140), lower the left leg,
release the hands, bring the right leg straight forward and return to
position r.
(^7) · Repeat the pose on the other side, bending the left knee and placing
(^141 142)
the left foot by the left hip joint and raising the right leg up. Stay for an
equal length of time on this side also.
The pose can be done as a continuation of Triang Mukhaikapada
Paschimottanasana (Plate 139). It is harder to do than Paschimot
tanasana (Plate 160) and therefore its effects are greater. It gives a full
extension to the leg and exercises the muscles of the legs. The abdominal
organs are also rejuvenated.
- Marzchyasana I Five* (Plate 144)
This asana is dedicated to the sage Mar! chi, son of the Creator, Brahma.
Mar!chi was the grandfather of Siirya (the Sun God).