Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 329
7· Bend the left leg at the ' knee, rest the head on the floor and again
go up to Salamba S!r�asana I I.
- Take a few deep breaths and repeat the asana, this time bending
the left leg to half Padmasana, placing the left foot on the back por
tion of the upper right arm and the left knee on the back portion of
the left upper arm and raise the head off the floor. (Plates^432 and
433.) Stay for the same length of time on both sides. Return to
Si"r�asana again.
9· One can finish the pose by either lowering the legs to the floor or
by moving into Ordhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and then standing
up in Tadasana. (Plate 1.) When one has mastered Viparita Chakrasana
(Plates 488 to 499), this exercise is exhilarating after practising Ordhva
This pose strengthens the wrists. The abdominal organs are massaged
by the pressure of the foot against the abdomen.