344 Light on Yoga
4· The body rests on the crown of the head, the elbows and knees.
The forearms will be perpendicular to the floor and the hands will
hold the outer side of the feet near the little toes. Try and raise the
toes level with the hip joints.
- Stay in the pose from 20 to 30 seconds, with normal breathing.
- Lift the head from the floor and the hands from the feet so that
the legs drop to Supta Vfrasana. (Plate 96)
7· Sit up in Vfrasana, straighten the legs and relax.
Effe cts
This asana tones the spine. In it blood circulates well round the knees,
ankles, hips and neck, and backache is relieved. It relieves any internal
derangement of the knee joints. The pressure of the hands on the
fe et strengthens the arches and cures flat feet. Atrophy and other
defects of the leg muscles are cured by its continued practice. The
lungs are fully expanded and the abdominal organs benefit.
- Mulabandhasana Thirty-two* (Plates 462 and 463)
Miila means the root, the base, the beginning or the foundation.
Bandha means a fetter, bond, or posture.
- Sit in Baddhakonasana. (Plate 101)
- Insert the hands between the thighs and the calves and hold the
feet, each with its respective hand.
3· Join the soles and heels. Raise the heels, keep the toes on the ground
and drag the fe et near the perineum. (Plate 459)