Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogosanas, Bandha and Kriya 365

4· If, however, no guru is available and you have confidence in yourself,
you can try to achieve the reverse somersault movement in the following
manner. Do Urdhva Dhanurasana near a wall so that the feet face the
wall about a foot away from it. Swing the trunk with an exhalation
towards the shoulders so that the weight of the body is borne on the
wrists and shoulders. Then lift one leg from the floor and place the foot
on the wall at the height of about two feet. Press and push against the
wall with that foot, lift the other leg off the floor and with an exhalation
swing the legs over the head, making a reverse somersault. After
repeated attempts, you will gain confidence. You will learn to rock the
body forward and backward and to swing the trunk towards the
shoulders with a backward movement of the legs in the reverse somer­
sault. When you are sure of taking the legs off the floor, then try
Vipar'ita Chakrasana in the middle of the room away from the wall. This
is how I learnt the reverse somersault movements in Vi par ita Chakr as ana.

This as ana is the beginning of the advanced and difficult back -bending
poses. It tones the spine by stretching it fully and keeps the body alert
and supple. The back feels strong and full of life. It strengthens the
arms and wrists and has a very soothing effect on the head. Once Viparita
Chakrasana is mastered, it can be repeated several times a day. It gives
one great vitality, energy and a fe eling of lightness.

I74· Eka Piida Urdhva Dhanuriisana Twelve* (Plates 501 and 502)
Eka means one. Pada is a leg. Urdhva means upwards and dhanu a bow.

r. After performing Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486), exhale and raise
the right leg off the floor.

  1. Stretch the right leg straight, and keep it at an angle of about^45
    degrees from the floor. (Plate 500)

3· Then lift the right hand from the floor and place it on the right thigh.
(Plate 50r.) The body is then balanced on the left hand and foot. Hold
this position from ro to 15 seconds, with normal breathing.
4· Exhale, lower the hands and raised leg and go back to Urdhva

  1. Repeat the pose by lifting the left leg and placing the left hand on
    the left thigh, balancing the body on the right hand and leg. (Plate 502.)
    Maintain the pose on this side for the same length of time.

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